Are You Up For A Run - 6 Strong Motivators That Get You Going!


There is always a reward at the end of it. That's right. You need to keep reminding yourself of this little thing. If you feel low or if you feel entirely demotivated or uninspired when going out for your daily morning run, you need to focus on the things that matter. You will be able to achieve a lot once you are all done with your workout and come back home sweating but happy. Seems like a familiar situation, doesn't it?

Well, it is a great feeling because it gives you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. But the trick is to keep on that track and this is precisely what we are going to inspire you to do.

  1. Let's Get You That Playlist: You need a great playlist. This goes without saying because it is going to maintain the right tempo and rhythm in your body. You will benefit a lot from it, especially if you are thinking about participating in a half-marathon training plan for beginners in the city. Once your body gets used to the strenuous workout, you will be able to abandon your earphones for the final event which is your marathon day. So yes, it is a great start and it keeps you motivated.

  2. Buy A New Pair Of Running Shoes: Buying a new pair of shoes is definitely going to inspire you to run an extra mile or two. It is not only the excitement that comes with trying on a new pair of shoes but also the comfort that you feel immediately when you put them on. The newness of the shoe is going to impact your performance significantly. The bounciness of the inner sole and the cushioning effect of the foam are going to keep your feet comfortable and your shin muscles will not tire easily.

  3. Get On Those Shorts: Do you think a brand-new pair of shorts is going to do magic for your performance? Yes, they are because they are going to give you a lot of flexibility and comfort. A lot of people wonder how to prepare for half marathons or any kind of physical activity that involves a lot of running. What they do not pay attention to is the importance of the most suitable and comfortable attire. Remember, you are not there to flaunt your cuts or curse by wearing the most tight-fitting and glamorous shorts. What we are looking for here are not superficial features but complete functionality. There has to be at least 4% spandex in the shorts that you wear. The material must be double-lined with a porous texture so that all the sweat gets evaporated almost immediately.

  4. Keep Your Dream Body In Mind: A great way to stay motivated is to keep your dream body in your mind. It can be either Milind Soman or Deepika Padukone. Whatever works for you is going to work for your fitness level.

  5. Aim For That Beautiful Dress: Of course, you must have some goals in your mind. One of them can be fitting into that beautiful black dress that you saw at the mall last week. You did the right thing by buying it beforehand. Now you have enough inspiration to work hard so that you can fit into it sooner than later. Now this is a true reward.

  6. You Will Finally Be Able To Cheat: Yes, even this can be used as a trick to motivate yourself into going out for your daily run. It is an easy way to convince yourself because it still gives you a sense of achievement. By doing just a 10-minute extra run in the morning you will not feel guilty in the evening if you decide to indulge with your friends at your favourite restaurant that night.

These tips are very practical and fun to implement. They are going to keep you on your fitness track regardless of what time of day or night it is. Whether you are about to enrol in a half marathon training plan for beginners or want to compete with your nemesis at your gym, these tips will always keep you motivated.

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